David Fredrik Moussallem’s mixed-media abstract paintings tell different “stories from the streets” and respond to urban landscape.
Extensive travels all around the world have triggered a fascination for global subcultures and urban street life, while his academic background in advertising, graphic design, and typography has heavily influenced his compositional approach.
Moussalem’s mixed media paintings resemble distressed city walls that, like palimpsests have accrued years of graffiti, posters, and fliers. He blends calligraphy and personal inscriptions with blurred color fields, using paint brushes, fragments of scrapped fliers and posters to then carve into his work deep fragmented lines that appear like city maps. His works are layers of hidden stories evoking the pace of frenetic metropolis and lie between the boundary of abstraction and calligraphy.
He describes his pieces as “revealing our differences and similarities in a raw and honest approach”, blending the many different culture he had experienced and the different languages that we all overhear on the streets of big cities.
David Fredrik Moussallem is a “post-graffiti” painter but his deconstructed carved collage paintings are definitely influenced by the street art movement. They have immediately made a strong impression with collectors and curators, and his work has garnered a world wide following of private art collectors. David’s paintings have been published in Condé Nast’s “The World of Interiors” and German Art Annual “Internationale Kunst Heute – 2016”.
David's work is currently represented and exhibited at galleries in Paris, New York City, South Florida, California and his hometown of Toronto, ON, Canada.